Be everything you want to be. Control your time. Explore your potential.

Freedom to be yourself starts in 3 steps

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Upgrading your Corporate Life

You may feel trapped or even betrayed by your corporate job. You sense you’re just going through the motions to collect a paycheck but not getting any further ahead.

Wondering what is this all for?

And yet on the surface, you have a great track record, a title to match, a team that looks up to you, a bonus.

Oh, but you know the reason: you don't want to trade your family time for the commitment a VP or SVP role will demand. Because you have felt that there's no "corporate" loyalty only financial results.

You feel there could be more out there – if only you could break free.

Stop! Do not quit your job! I know you want to sometimes, but don't. Not yet anyway.

I offer you the solution will create a much different dynamic for you. One that will feel empowering and fresh. One that leads directly to what you are dreaming about.

I've been there. After 20+ years of climbing the corporate ladder, I felt the ladder was slanted against the wrong building. The spark was gone. I dreaded Monday mornings and lived for the weekends.

And I knew I was not dumb or helpless. I led teams, managed crazy budgets, presented to presidents and boards. I know my shit. Only this knowledge wasn't getting me where I wanted to go fast enough, or ever.

And then I thought: can I make money from my experience?  That's when I discovered the world of online businesses. I finally saw a solution, a way out.

  • A way to apply my hard-earned knowledge and experience in a meaningful, profitable venture of my own.
  • A way to balance the benefits of a steady income and benefits with my passions and ambitions that could not be addressed by the next title change.
  • A way that could potentially lead me to break free from the obligation to have a corporate job.
start a side business online now

I told myself: "I will start a side business online and crush it!"

But it wasn't easy. Far from it. Especially when you're over 40 with a family, and a mortgage, and all other items that need to be paid for.

Underneath the surface glamor of successful online solo entrepreneurs lies an immense amount of struggle. Self-doubt, imposter syndrome, constantly second-guessing yourself – it can be downright brutal. Especially in the first year, once the adrenaline rush of starting a new online business wears off.

The digital landscape can also feel utterly confusing and intimidating. How do you stand out from the noise? What tools and technologies do you need just to get started?

my side hustle
corporate job and a side business

The turning point came when I realized:

  1. Mindset was the key that unlocked everything else. With the right mindset, I could power through obstacles and uplevel my thinking.
  2. The digital tools also became far less daunting once I adopted an adaptive learning mentality (and stopped trying to solve for all problems in a single afternoon).

Soon, things started to click. Within a year, I had grown a thriving online business, helped dozens of "corporate escapees" gently start their own side businesses.

Better yet, I felt genuinely happy and fulfilled every single day. The "shackles" that once constrained me felt like a distant memory. I had a vision and a plan.

corporate job and a side business
my side hustle

BONUS: Get a Complete Checklist to guide you

Your actions are disconnected from your wishes 'cause you don't know what to do first.

This checklist removes the guesswork: step-by-step actions to take; in proper sequence; no spin.

What You'll Learn

Whether you know it or not, these three phases are absolutely crucial to achieve any success.

Phase 1: Break your "Employee" paradigm

We’ll tackle the core psychological barriers holding you back: mindset shifts around failure, mistakes, and cultivating a growth mentality.

Discover an unstoppable mindset optimized for selling your knowledge online.

Phase 2: Digital Tools to start a side business online

To thrive in the digital world, you need the right tools. We’ll dive into the essential technologies for creating content, marketing yourself, selling and optimizing your online business.

Phase 3: Integrating and Taking Action

The final phase is all about taking action by integrating your new mindset with the digital tools into a cohesive daily system. You'll develop an action plan for breaking free.

why start a side business online

Join me and the dozens of other corporates and ex-corporate 9-to-5ers, who have found both freedom and fulfillment online using this proven methodology.

Enroll in the free course now and take the first step toward your corporate prison break! This is the opening you have been waiting for.

And just in case you think you have nothing to offer the world, here's a taste of solving for the most mundane problem: how to use Excel. This amazing person is teaching how to use Excel on TikTok to the tune of


why you should start a side business online now

Unlock Your Potential

and Avoid 4 Mistakes that other make
Ignoring scalability from the outset

When I began my journey, I was bewildered by the digital landscape and tools required to be efficient. But guess what? After many bumps, I can now confidently help you thrive.

Failure to Establish Clear Boundaries

A business while managing a demanding career? Balancing both can feel like walking a tightrope. We'll avoid burnout but allocating time wisely.

Underestimating Time to Success

You will not become rich in a week or a month. You need a clear roadmap. You need to set normal expectations. You will be well informed before you start.

Research Your Business as Your Plan A

Don't start half-heartedly. Everyone worries about it not panning out? But I will set you up for your business  to become a steady source of income.

Why start a side business online?

  • Monetize your experience: Your years of corporate expertise are a goldmine waiting to be tapped.
  • Find time with family: Learn strategies to harmonize your dreams while cherishing quality time with your loved ones.
  • Explore beyond what you know: Leave your comfort zone; merge a corporate career with the exciting world of solopreneurship.
  • Never suffer "Retirement-Shock": Build a business that will carry you beyond your business career.
  • Taste Success: A great side business makes you money in your sleep - literally.
  • Self Mastery: Conquer your doubts about starting something new.
  • Legacy Building: Be an example for your kids. Become a legacy that your family can be proud of, inspire them to follow suit.


Who is this for?

Core audience are people with 10+ years in corporate careers. Most of my clients are usually at Director levels or above. But that is not a deciding factor. This course is for those, who aspire to do something unconventional, explore their potential and make money in the process.


What will I gain from this course? What do I gain from running a side business?

1. You become a "Hi-Po" in corporate speak - highly promotable

2. You have  a unique card to play if you are applying for a roles in another company

3. You become the "leader" HR always preaches about but they do not really know 

4. You build an extra stream of income

This course is designed to equip you with essential understanding of what is necessary to launch an online side business. Including conceptual planning, mindset challenges you'll tackle, core tools that you'll need, how to minimize subscription costs, and leveraging your corporate experience for a successful transition. You'll gain practical knowledge to navigate the challenges of solopreneurship.


How much time should I allocate for the course, considering I'm still working a full-time job?

You will require only a few hours to complete the course. 

Implementing the material will take 1-3 hours a week. There is no rush, consistency is more important.


Are you guaranteeing my success?

Absolutely - NO! If this was possible, this would not be free.

Many people fail because they do not act. They hear my words, they understand, they even have the desire. But if you do not ACT, take those steps, not me not Alex Hormozi, not anyone else can quarantee your success.

If there is one thing you need to understand - in this game, you are the the only one who decides if you win or lose.


Start your Course

Go with the free option if you are "not quite sure" or get the personal guidance to propel yourself

The "No-BS" way to Start your Side business

  • Who to sell to and how to define your client
  • How to avoid sabotaging yourself
  • What makes people trust & choose you
  • Which tools are essential and which are not
  • The basics of funnels
  •  How to structure your content


/absolutely FREE

The "No-BS" Way To Start Your Side Business EXTRA

  • Everything in the free version
  • Access to additional detailed material
  • Hands-on business model (funnel) ideation
  • 2x personal one-on-one 1 hour sessions
  • Includes guidance to set up tools and core processes



online side business