Get clients for your product with

Launch Pad

Tap into the psychology of want: How to ignite unstoppable desire for your product 

Launch Pad - Market your SaaS with ease using made-for-you plan and tools | Product Hunt

You've built an amazing product that could change lives.

But No one knows about it yet.
Getting noticed is tough when you're just starting out.

I am a noob at marketing and it's killing my products
Need some advice I have been building in public my last three projects...  
but then I suck at driving traffic to these sites. What to do moving forward?

u/sameed_a @ Reddit r/SaaS

SaaS success course

Marketing for SaaS
I'm curious how founders of micro SaaS attract first users. Launching on ProductHunt gives initial feedback and views but in most cases those people are not the target market.
What's the process?

u/Efficient_Win_7337 @ Reddit r/SaaS

Are you lost trying to figure out how to get people to discover your product?

None of this "marketing" talk makes sense to you but others seem to be "crushing it", right?

Yet, your hopes for making-it-work hinge on getting this right...

In fact, figuring this step out is more important then getting upvoted on Product Hunt or deciding if you need a dark-mode!

With so much competition, failing to market yourself means...

...your brilliant creation gathers digital dust, unseen and unused.

All that hard work, for nothing.

You remain undiscovered, while lesser products take off.

I would hate for you to experience that.

Here's how to be noticed by the right clients, get them to your "Subscribe Now" button and have them smash it!

All packaged in a ready-made collection of custom & easy steps to follow!

SaaS lead magnet

Each step tailored precisely to attract your ideal customers. 

Without fluff or industry jargon, you will discover how your perfect clients' make decisions beyond price and functionality. 

Like so many other creators, you will fail if you do not understand the target audiences' mindset. 

You can post ten times a day but never reach your clients in a way that makes your message heard.

But imagine people discovering your SaaS and becoming instant fans!

Subscribers pouring in and revenue taking off.

Your business growing faster than you dreamed possible. This customized roadmap will make it a reality.

IF you ever wondered:

  • How to stop spending hours "throwing spaghetti" at the wall hoping it sticks and you get clients? (and have a straight-forward plan of action)
  • Where to find those individuals, who have the exact problem you know how to solve? (and speak their language)
  • How to have people be so interested that they blow up your waitlist? (and impatiently wait to hear from you)
  • How to masterfully convert "interested" folks into subscribers in 3 emails? (and know what to put into those emails)
  • Why some projects have so many reviews? (and how to get your own "social proof" fast)
  • (and, of course) How to grow to spectacular MRR?

Get more subscribers for your SaaS with an easy-to-follow custom plan

You have Qs - I got FAQs.


Everyone promises magic, but you don't know my product

You are right I don't. But what I do know is human behaviour psychology.

When we make decisions we all take the same 5-7 steps. And this is what you get, the right path to help your clients get from A-to-Subscribed.

I tried this before and it's all hype, no substance

I see, but you are still here. It means that you ARE looking for help. You've been let down before and you are cautious - great approach.

My offer is simple, backed by my 27+ years in the industry and successful launches.

Plus - you get your money back if you do not see any value after trying my plan.

I don't need to be told to "deliver value" again!

Agree! 100%! I detest that myself. What does that even mean?!


Instead of telling you to do something, I will give you the "value" all laid out, ready-to-use with your audience. Yes, done for you! You can tinker with it or just use as-is. Boom - value DELIVED! 

What if this doesn't work for me?

Hmm, it worked for all successful launches. Take all the steps and put them in practice, I assure you it will work. 

You can take both the fast-track and the gradual-growth strategies together. It works! Ask questions and I will help course correct.

What if I still cannot make it work?

You can do 2 things:

  1. Buy my companion course: it breaks down every single action point you will receive. Perhaps, perspective will make the concepts click for you. I promise not to use jargon in my explanations.
  2. Invest an hour and a half and get on a call with me 1:1. we can go through the details.

Why are you charging for this? I know you're using ChatGPT or something!

I am charging because, unlike the many "experts" out there sharing their one-line prompts, I have created very specific requirements based on experience, education and proper frameworks.

Let's put it this way: garbage-in-garbage-out works with every LLM model. My experience helps you avoid "garbage".

Can I get my money back if this turns out to be crap?

This is simple - yes!

Do try to implement it, but if you are not happy, I will make it right.

What if I still have questions?

Ask! You can always find me on:

Vadim was helping me get clear on the product and service that I’m offering.  I can still hear the question: What problem are you solving and for whom? 

Vadim was great at reflecting my answers back to me and questioning their validity at each step. I had several insights into what I was trying to do, why I was doing it and who and how it would benefit my future clients. 

Vadim’s knowledge of marketing, customer mind-set, entrepreneurship and business in general was of tremendous value to me in this process.  If you’re thinking of working with Vadim, stop thinking about it and go for it! I’m glad I did.

Greg Fisher @ TeamUYP.comOwner/Coach

Just got off the most incredible call with Vadim, discussing ideas for, and it was on Fire!

He immediately understood the project, and his experience working on this exact area (emotional/behavioral side of personal finance) fueled a lively discussion.

His insights were extremely relevant and credible. In just about 40 minutes, I have a ton of actionable ideas covering both tactical and strategic concerns.

If Vadim ever indicates that he may have something useful to contribute to your #buildinpublic project, jump on it. I give him 5 starts and thumbs up!

David Larsen @

You are fully protected by My 100% It-Will-Work-if-you-try Guarantee.

There is no fine print. It's simple: if you give my plan a fair try and put it into practice, but are still unsatisfied after 14 days.

Tell me and you get your money back - no questions asked.

No more "marketing secrets", every founder (i.e., You)  should be excited about stacking subscribers!

But what could this cost?

  • Marketing class------- $999
  • Email course---------- $199
  • Copywriter----------- $699
  • Strategy prep--------- $139


do not pay all that cash until you try launch pad!

"The How" - core Plan


  • Target audience definition
  • Define emotional triggers for better content
  • Get content ideas that resonate on social media
  • Find social platforms that serve your perfect clients
  • Ideal lead magnet to build email list
  • 3-email-sequence to convert clients
  • Done-for-you options for search and Facebook ads
  • A complete video companion course that explains how, where and why to use the custom plan components
  • Ideation templates for future products
  • Day-by-day 2 months roll-out calendar

"The How & Why" - PRO Plan


  • Target audience definition
  • Define emotional triggers for better content
  • Get content ideas that resonate on social media
  • Find social platforms that serve your perfect clients
  • Ideal lead magnet to build email list
  • 3-email-sequence to convert clients
  • Done-for-you options for search and Facebook ads
  • A complete video companion course that explains how, where and why to use the custom plan components
  • Ideation templates for future products
  • Day-by-day 2 months roll-out calendar

What you get with the Core Plan?

  • 10+ page PLAN with everything you need to market your product/SaaS
  • Crisp picture of who to sell to first
  • How to write content so your clients listen
  • How to craft emails that will be opened
  • Which social platforms to find your ideal clients on
  • Lead magnets to grow your email list
  • and More

Click to see an example

Launch pad pro course

What you get with PRO Plan ? Everything in Core, Plus:

How to go from follower to subscribers fast 

  • Launch Pad PRO course (outline belowto boosts your PLAN's success 10x
  • Learn the secret of profitable ads & magnetic content for max reach
  • Which social platform is the most important for your SaaS scale?
  • How to grow your subscribers with each post?

60-day Launch Calendar

  • Day-by-day tasks to put the PLAN in motion
  • Each step mapped to what you will get in your Launch Pad PLAN

Endless Product Idea Generator and more
