Email Personalization

by Vadim  - January 28, 2021

Autoresponders make email marketing a breeze

Each and everyone of wants to be unique and we wish to be treated as such. When it comes to your clients the worst thing that you can do is forget them and treat generically versus as individuals.

Yes, being personal is time consuming and tough (how do you remember all the little details?

This is where the business of email autoresponders like MailChimp and MailChimp alternatives take root. The purpose of such tools is to simplify, streamline and automate much of the personalization in communications with your clients.

I borrowed the infographic below from GetResponse one of the many solopreneur, small practice focused autoresponders. It provides easy to understand reasons as to why you should always personalize your communications.

Obviously, they are also positioning themselves as the company that is best to deliver on this goal. The latter I will leave for you to decide. But full disclosure in my business I rely on ActiveCampaign to send you my emails.

You can click on the infographic below and check out GetResponse pricing and (more important for those just starting out) their free plans. 

I strongly recommend for any tool you want to use - always try it out first. Whatever you hear from others, always try out every product yourself before subscribing or buying.

Absolute beginners guide to internet marketing

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